Seiko Epson Corporation
(Rev. 2.00)
17 16-bit PWM Timers (T16B)
17.1 Overview
T16B is a 16-bit PWM timer with comparator/capture functions. The features of T16B are listed below.
• Counter block
- 16-bit up/down counter
- A clock source and a clock division ratio for generating the count clock are selectable in each channel.
- The count mode is configurable from combinations of up, down, or up/down count operations, and one-shot
operations (counting for one cycle configured) or repeat operations (counting continuously until stopped via
- Supports an event counter function using an external clock.
• Comparator/capture block
- Supports up to six comparator/capture circuits to be included per one channel.
- The comparator compares the counter value with the values specified via software to generate interrupt or
DMA request signals, and a PWM waveform. (Can be used as an interval timer, PWM waveform generator,
and external event counter.)
- The capture circuit captures counter values using external/software trigger signals and generates interrupts or
DMA requests. (Can be used to measure external event periods/cycles.)
Figure 17.1.1 shows the T16B configuration.
Table 17.1.1 T16B Channel Configuration of S1C31D50/D51
48-pin package
64-pin package
80-pin package
100-pin package
Number of channels
2 channels (Ch.0 and Ch.1)
Event counter function
Ch.0: EXCL00 or EXCL01 pin input
Ch.1: EXCL10 or EXCL11 pin input
Number of comparator/
capture circuits per channel
4 systems (0 to 3)
Timer generating signal output
Ch.0: TOUT00 to TOUT03 pin outputs (4 systems)
Ch.1: TOUT10 to TOUT13 pin outputs (4 systems)
Capture signal input
Ch.0: CAP00 to CAP03 pin inputs (4 systems)
Ch.1: CAP10 to CAP13 pin inputs (4 systems)
Note: In this chapter, ‘n’ refers to a channel number, and ‘m’ refers to an input/output pin number or a
comparator/capture circuit number in a channel.