Model OUM980 with OUSAF21 Inline Sensor
Process Value Correlation Set Up
Enter PROCESS SET-UP sub-menu to access PV CORRELATE
function. Press
to continue.
The next screen asks which curve (1-3) you want to edit and store the
correlation table. Scroll with
to select curve number.
to continue.
If the original sample value is not put in yet. Select SAMPLE IN CELL?
By scrolling with
to select. Press
to continue.
The next screen asks if process sample is in the cell and displays
measurement value. If this value is within the Min/Max acceptable
to read and store.
The next screen asks if another sample is to be measured. Press
to read another sample, press
if finished all samples.
Confirm the number of point to build correlation curve and press
to store original sample data.
SAMPLE EDIT is used to put in the target correlation value and unit.
to continue to put in data.
The next screen asks if the user would like to change the original
sample point OD value. If this value needs to be changed, use
to change value. Press