Basic information
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 (Elite)
Intended use
The ICP Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is used in a chemical
analysis laboratory for the analysis of liquid - mainly aqueous - samples to determine
the concentrations of up to 75 elements up to the trace range.
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 may only be used for the analyses described in this user
manual. Any other use is not intended. The operator is solely liable for any damage re-
sulting therefrom. The safety of the user and the instrument can only be guaranteed if it
is used as intended.
The PlasmaQuant PQ is not suitable for solutions containing hydrofluoric acid if the neb-
ulizer or spray chamber are made of glass or quartz. Use hydrofluoric acid-resistant com-
ponents for this purpose. Special provisions must be made for operations involving or-
ganic solvents. In addition to apparatus-related and methodical aspects, fire and health
protection for the particular organic solvent must be observed here.