Maintenance and care
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 (Elite)
Maintenance and care
This chapter contains all the instructions for care and maintenance which users can and
must perform themselves. All maintenance work and repairs beyond this scope must
only be performed by service engineers from Analytik Jena AG or persons authorized by
Analytik Jena AG. To guarantee perfect functioning, the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 should
be inspected on an annual basis by service engineers from Analytik Jena AG. Only use re-
placement parts from Analytik Jena AG. Laboratory parts required for routine operation
can be ordered from Analytik Jena AG.
Observe the safety instructions!
Any unauthorized interference limits warranty entitlements. When installing and start-
ing up your device, please observe the instructions provided in the section "Safety in-
structions" p. 9. Compliance with these safety instructions is a requirement for error free
installation and the proper functioning of your ICP-OES measuring environment. Always
observe all warnings and instructions which are displayed on the device itself or which
are displayed by the control program of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
Electric shock!
It is mandatory to switch off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and pull the mains plug prior to
all maintenance and care work. The safe disconnection of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000
from the mains can only be achieved by pulling out the mains plug. Power is still sup-
plied to certain areas of the device after the device has been switched off at the main
Risk of eye and skin injuries due to UV and electromagnetic radiation!
Plasma emits UV radiation and high-frequency electromagnetic radiation which can
cause serious eye and skin injuries as well as other health problems. Therefore, the
plasma compartment door must be closed before igniting and operating the plasma.
Safety circuits must not be bridged by the user during maintenance work!
Hot surfaces!
Plasma is extremely hot! The torch is still very hot after the plasma has been extin-
guished. Contact with these hot surfaces can cause burns. Therefore, wait 5 minutes af-
ter extinguishing the plasma before touching the torch.