Installation and commissioning
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 (Elite)
Install the wash cup. Insert the wash cup into the rear left recess
and turn it by 90° in a clockwise direction.
Fit the racks for special samples (1) in the base plate and attach the
required sample racks (2).
In the ASpect PQ program, the sample positions are coded with a
three-digit number (e.g., 108). The first number indicates the sam-
ple rack, the following numbers the position on the rack. The first
sample rack is located in front of the wash cup, followed by the sec-
ond and third. In the program, the positions are only shown for il-
Connect the pump tubing for the wash solution to the lower inlet
connector (1a) of the wash cup. Place the pump tubing over the
tubing block from above and tighten between two stoppers. Con-
nect the intake tubing for the wash solution to the other tubing end
(1b). Immerse the intake tubing in the wash solution.
Connect the pump tubing for waste to the upper outlet connector
(2a) of the wash cup. Place the pump tubing over the tubing block
from below and tighten between two stoppers. Connect the waste
tubing to the other tubing end (2b). Insert the waste tubing into
the waste bottle.
Note the pump direction! The pump moves in a clock-
wise direction.
Fasten the pressure bar above the pump tubing by means of the oc-
clusion screw.
Insert the cannula into the holder on the autosampler head. Move
the holder along the Z-axis (down and up) and check whether the
cannula fits through the guide at the lower end of the head. Fasten
the cannula with the nut on the holder (arrow in figure on the left).