PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 (Elite)
Installation and commissioning
"USB/B” for PC USB connection
"PC" for serial PC connection (optional)
“RS 232” (service only)
"Autosampler" for serial sampler connec-
tion (12 V)
"Chiller remote" for optional control of
the recirculating chiller via ICP-OES
Fuse S3 25 A
Fuse S2 6 A
9 Fuse S1 10 A
Figure 10 Interfaces and fuses
1 Water filter in the cooling circuit
2 Connections for argon
3 Cooling water inlet "IN"
4 Connection for oxygen as an auxiliary gas
5 Cooling water outlet "OUT"
Figure 11 Connections for cooling water and gases
In the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000, argon is used as a gas for the torch, the nebulizer and for
purging the spectrometer. The purge gas is then directed via the cone for axial observa-
tion as a cone gas to avoid a heavy load being placed on the cone and plasma window by
the plasma torch. Oxygen can be optionally connected as an auxiliary gas.
Plug-in connectors are used for the gas connections of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
Tubes are pushed into the connector as far as possible and are thus securely fastened.
To release the connection, you have to push the red ring inwards and pull the tube out
at the same time.