Chapter 6 Parameter Description 37
EV3200 Door Control Inverter User Manual
1. LED will display the parameter set in F9.01 as default upon
power on, e.g., F9.01 =4, DC bus voltage will be displayed when
the inverter is powered on. Other parameters at stopping status can
be scrolled through by pressing
2. For F9.00 and F9.01, the displayed low digits and high digits of
pulse counted for door position, when F4.08 is set bigger than 0,
are the same as F4.08.
F9.02 Type of latest fault
Setting range: 0 ~ 31
F9.03 Type of second lastest fault
Setting range: 0 ~ 31
F9.04 Type of third lastest fault
Setting range: 0 ~ 31
F9.05 DC Bus Voltage (V) at the
latest fault
Setting range: 0V ~ 999V
F9.06 Output current (A) at the
latest fault
Setting range: 0.00A ~
F9.07 Frequency (Hz) at the latest
Setting range: 0.00Hz ~
F9.08 Status of input terminal at the
latest fault
Setting range: 0 ~ 127
F9.09 Status of output terminal at
the latest fault
Setting range: 0 ~ 7
F9.10 High digits of pulse counted
for door position at fault time
Setting range: 0 ~ 9999
F9.11 Low digits of pulse counted
for door position at fault time
Setting range: 0 ~ 9999
EV3200 series inverter can diagnose 18 kinds of faults
intelligently and can memorize the types of the latest 3
faults (F9.02, F9.03, F9.04), and also the voltage, current,
frequency and the terminal status at the latest fault (F9.05 ~
F9.09) for your reference.
Refer to
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
for details.
F9.12 High digit of OD times
Setting range: 0 ~ 9999*10000
F9.13 Low digit of OD times
Setting range: 0 ~ 9999
F9.14 High digit of CD times
Setting range: 0 ~ 9999*10000
F9.15 Low digit of CD times
Setting range: 0 ~ 9999
F9.12 and F9.13 record OD times.
OD times=F9.12 × 10000+F9.13
F9.14 and F9.15 record CD times.
CD times= F9.14 × 10000+F9.15
F9.16 Total operation time
Setting range: 0 ~ 65535 hours
Records the inverter’s actual operation time with power on
in the unit of hour. The maximum value is 65535 hours.
Once the operation time exceeds 65535 hours, the inverter
will time from 0.
F9.17 Total running time
Setting range: 0 ~ 65535 hours
Records the inverter’s actual running time in the unit of hour.
The maximum value is 65535 hours. Once the running time
exceeds 65535 hours, the inverter will time from 0.
F9.18 Parameter
Setting range: 0 ~ 100
0: Parameter modification enabled
In this status, the parameter can be read and revised.
1: Clear the record
Clear the record in F9.02 ~ F9.15.
2: Load defaults
Recover the factory settings of F0 ~ F5, F7 ~ F8, F9.00 ~
F9.01 and F9.22 according to inverter model.
3 ~ 100: customized (reserved)
F9.19 Software version No.
Setting range: 1.00 ~ 99.99
The software version No. available to users for enquiry.
For example, “1.00” refers to the software of EV3200 series
inverter whose version No. is 1.00.
F9.20 Product configuration No.
Setting range: 32XX
For example: 3200 refers to the standard EV3200 product.
F9.21 Heatsink temperature
Setting range: 0 ~ 100
The real-time temperature of heatsink.
F9.22 Relay output polarity selection
Setting range: 0 ~ 1
0: relays PA1/PC1 and PA2/PC2 serve as output NC relays.
1: relays PA1/PC1 and PA2/PC2 serve as output NO relays.