Section C - Components, cont’d.
Model 39424.601 (Heat Pump)
The cable assembly is a ten-wire cable with seven of the
ten wires used. The thermostat end has a 10-pin flat con-
nector with seven positions used.
Pin 1 = Violet Wire
Pin 2 = Red Wire
Pin 3 = White Wire
Pin 4 = Black Wire
Pin 5 = Yellow Wire
Pin 6 = Blue Wire
Pin 7 = Brown Wire
The unit end has a 9-pin square connector with seven po-
sitions used.
Pin 1 = Violet Wire
Pin 2 = Red Wire
Pin 3 = White Wire
Pin 4 = Black Wire
Pin 5 = Yellow Wire
Pin 6 = Blue Wire
Pin 7 = Brown Wire
To check the cable assembly, first unplug each end of the
cable assembly. Next, check for continuity on each wire,
such as Pin 1 to Pin 1, then Pin 2 to Pin 2, etc. Continuity
should be present from Pin to Pin 1, then Pin 2 to Pin 2,
Next, check for continuity from one wire to each of the other
wires, such as Pin 1 to Pin 2, then Pin 1 to Pin 3, etc. NO
continuity should be present from one wire to any other
wire in the assembly. Be sure to check each wire.
FIG. C58
Model 39325.XXX and 39335.XXX (Heat Pumps)
The cable assembly is a ten wire cable with seven of the
ten wires used. The thermostat end has a 10-pin flat con-
nector with seven positions used.
Pin 1 = Violet Wire
Pin 2 = Red Wire
Pin 3 = White Wire
Pin 4 = Black Wire
Pin 5 = Yellow Wire
Pin 6 = Blue Wire
Pin 7 = Brown Wire
The unit end has the above seven wires stripped and needs
to be wired to the corresponding color of wire in the electric
box of the unit. To check the cable assembly, first unplug
the thermostat end and disconnect each wire at the unit.
Next, check for continuity on each wire such as violet to
violet, red to red, etc. Continuity should be present from
violet to violet, red to red, etc.
Next, check for continuity from one wire to each of the other
wires. NO continuity should be present from one wire to
any other wire in the assembly.
FIG. C59