Section B - Operation, cont’d.
leaves the outside coil as high pressure liquid.
As the high pressure liquid R22 leaves the outside coil
(condenser) it passes through the small capillary tube or
tubes. This is the metering or flow control device in the
sealed system. It determines the amount and force of which
the R22 enters the inside coil. It is
that the
capillary tube’s length and diameter not be altered. If the
tube is altered, the unit will not operate as efficiently as it
The high pressure liquid R22 enters the inside coil in a
controlled amount from the capillary tube. When the liquid
enters the low pressure atmosphere of the inside coil
(evaporator) it evaporates into vapor. When the evapora-
tive process takes place, heat is removed from the air flow-
ing through the inside coil (evaporator). The air with the
heat removed is returned to the inside of the structure via
the air movement system (blower assembly).
From the inside coil (evaporator), the low pressure refrig-
erant (R22) vapor returns to the reversing valve. The re-
versing valve routes the low pressure vapor to the com-
pressor through the suction line to start the cooling pro-
cess again.
The Heating Mode
To heat the air inside a structure, heat is removed from the
outside air or ambient and released to the inside air.
To accomplish this, first air flow is established to pass over
both coils (inside and outside), Next, a refrigerant cycle is
established to cause the refrigerant (R22) to flow through
the coils.
The refrigerant cycle starts at the compressor. Its function
is to take the low pressure R22 vapor and discharge it as
high pressure vapor. As the refrigerant (R22) is com-
pressed, it gives off heat causing the discharge line to be
quite warm to the touch.
The R22 high pressure vapor leaves the compressor
through the discharge line and enters the reversing valve.
The reversing valve routes the high pressure vapor to the
inside could. In the heating mode the inside coil is a con-
denser coil.
The high pressure R22 vapor enters the inside coil (con-
denser). Here it is cooled and condensed into liquid R22
by passing through the coil. The heat removed from the
refrigerant is expelled to the inside air. The refrigerant leaves
the inside coil as high pressure liquid.
As the high pressure liquid R22 leaves the inside coil (con-
denser) it passes through the small capillary tube or tubes.
This is the metering or flow control device in the sealed
system. It determines the amount and force of which the
R22 enters the outside coil.
It is imperative that the capillary tube’s length and diameter
not be altered. If the tube is altered, the unit will not operate
as efficiently as it should.
FIG. B16
FIG. B17
B2. Heat Pump