The heated and humidified air flows over the entire front
face into the canopy. It is channelled up over the front
door, along the roof of the canopy and then drawn down
past the back wall by means of an extraction system.
The baby lies in a still area with very little air flow. Heat
loss is due to convection is minimized.
When the hand ports are open, there is still an effective
hot air curtain which minimises cooling inside the
The mattress is made of soft foam plastic encased in film,
ensuring a very low conductive heat loss.
Air Humidity
The humidity of the incubator air is controlled at the set
value. The incubator air is humidified hygienically by the
evaporation of water from a water supply.
The incubator is controlled by a microprocessor. When it
is switched on, and every 10 minutes thereafter, the
incubator automatically carries out a self-test. This test
checks all modules which are particularly important for
The heating system is switched off automatically if
operating conditions are outside permitted limits.
An additional fan cools the air rapidly as soon as the
actual value of the air temperature exceeds the set value.
Safety features
When it is switched on, the incubator carries out a self-
test to check all memories in the microprocessor control
system and to establish that the various program
segments are running correctly.
Actuators, acknowledgement signals and displays are
switched on and off to check that they are functioning
correctly. This test is also repeated every 10 minutes
during operation. All modules installed in the incubator
are tested. An Error message may be given for a faulty
module, even if it is switched off.