USER MANUAL – Release 1.2 of 01/01/2010
Page 145 of 191
Version: 02/03/2010
In the pluri-circuit units for the same purpose, the circuits that are not defrost are forced to produce hot water
for the utilities.
Whenever domestic hot water is requested, the following cases must be discriminated:
One or more compressors are on for the production of chilled water
If there is a domestic hot water request during working in cooling mode, the circulation pump is
activated for the domestic hot water and then, with delay FS26, output 1 is activated for the
production of domestic hot water. After the delay FS10, the output 2 is deactivated for the production
of domestic hot water.
Temperature control will be performed according to the layout described above
Two conditions can occur during the production of domestic hot water:
the cooling temperature control temperature has not reached the set-point ST01: once the
domestic hot water set-point has been reached, output 2 is activated for the production of domestic
hot water and, after the delay FS10 output 1 is deactivated for the production of domestic hot
water. After the delay time FS27, the circulation pump for the domestic hot water is deactivated.
The heat regulator continues classic regulation on the water of the utilities circuit until reaching the
set ST01.
the cooling temperature control temperature has reached the set-point ST01: the circulation pump
for the domestic hot water is always on, the output 2 is activated for the production of domestic hot
water and, after the delay FS10 the output 1 deactivates for the production of domestic hot water
and the compressors are off. After the delay of dF07/2 the status of the 4-way valve is inverted and,
after the delay time dF07/2 the compressors are switched on for the production of domestic hot
water. When time FS11 has passed on the expiry of dF07, output 1 is activated for the production
of domestic hot water and, after the delay FS10 output 2 is deactivated for the production of
domestic hot water. Once the domestic hot water set-point has been reached the compressors
switch-off, output 2 is activated for the production of domestic hot water and, after the delay FS10
output 1 is deactivated for the production of domestic hot water. After the delay FS27, the
circulation pump for the domestic hot water is deactivated. After the delay of dF08/2 from the
switch-off of the compressors, the status of the 4-way valve is inverted. Whenever a cooling
request should arrive, the compressors will be switched-on only after the conclusion of the delay
dF08 from switch-off.
If, during the production of domestic hot water and unit in cooling mode with thermostat satisfied (In
this condition the production of domestic hot water is active but the production of chilled water is
deactivated), the temperature measured by the temperature control probe should be greater than
ST01+ST07 (cooling in request mode), the circulation pump for the domestic hot water remains on,
the output 2 is activated production of domestic hot water and, after the delay FS10 output 1 is
deactivated for the production of domestic hot water and the compressors switch-off. After the time
of dF08/2 has passed, the status of the 4-way valve is inverted and, the further delay of dF08/2 the
compressors are switched back on for the production of domestic hot water. When time FS11 has
passed on the expiry of dF08, output 1 is activated for the production of domestic hot water and,
after the delay FS10 output 2 is deactivated for the production of domestic hot water.
In this condition, if the set-point of the domestic hot water is reached, the traditional summer
working mode will be restored, proceeding as follows:
Output 2 is activated for the production of domestic hot water
After the delay FS10, the output 1 is deactivated for the production of domestic hot water
After the delay FS27, the circulation pump for the domestic hot water is deactivated.
No compressor is on for the production of chilled water
In this case, the cycle is reversed, proceeding as follows:
The status of the 4-way valve is reversed
On expiry of the time dF07/2, the compressors switch on
After the time FS11 from switch-on of the compressors, the circulation pump for the domestic
hot water is activated
After the delay FS26, the output 1 is activated for the production of domestic hot water
After the delay FS10, the output 2 is deactivated for the production of domestic hot water
Temperature control will be performed according to the layout given previously. Once the domestic
hot water set-point has been reached, the summer working mode will be restored, proceeding as