Switch Management
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A RY 8 / 9 / 16 - F O R P RO O F O N L Y
Triggering the Auto Update of Configuration/Image File Process
When the Auto-Update feature is enabled (in the
page), the device automatically attempts to
download a new image or configuration file (under certain circumstances)
using one of the following processes:
• The Auto-Update process is triggered from the USB drive if a USB key in
the USB drive is found.
• The Auto-Configuration process is triggered from the USB drive after the
Auto-Update process completed and the device was rebooted (if a new
image file was loaded), and if the following conditions are fulfilled:
There is a USB key in the USB drive.
Force Configuration Download at Next Startup has been enabled in
page or the Startup Configuration file is empty.
Performing Auto-Update from a USB Drive
• The Auto-Update from a TFTP server is triggered if the following
conditions are fulfilled:
An IP address of a TFTP server is received from a DHCP server.
A file name is received from DHCP server.
• The Auto-Configuration from a TFTP server is triggered if the following
conditions are fulfilled:
The switch as DHCP client received a configuration file name or a
Force Configuration Download at Next Startup is enabled in the
The Startup Configuration file is empty.
Preparations for Using Auto Configuration from a TFTP Server
• DHCP client never triggers the Auto-Update process from a TFTP server
after attempting (whether successfully or not) to auto-update/configure
configuration/image file from the USB drive.
• If the auto process involved setting the IP address of the device from the
setup file, the auto process from the TFTP server can be triggered.