Network Administration: Route Settings
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
IPv4 Routes Table
This feature is only applicable for Layer 2 + Static Routing mode for all
IPv4 static routes can be configured for IP addresses that are not on directly
connected networks. These are defined in the
Static route configuration is allowed only on the in-band interfaces. The
maximum metric value is 255 and the default metric value is 1.
When routing traffic, the next hop is determined according to the longest
prefix match (LPM algorithm). A destination IPv4 address may match
multiple routes in the IPv4 Static Route table. The switch uses the matched
route with the longest prefix match.
NOTE: A static route is displayed in the IPv4 Route table only if the IP interface on
the device, which is connected to the Next Hop, is in the Up state.
For devices in Layer 2 + Static Routing system mode
To add an IPv4 static route:
Network Administration >
Route Settings
IPv4 Route Settings
> IPv4 Routes Tables
The following fields are displayed for each route:
Destination IPv4 Prefix
— Destination IPv4 prefix. If all zeros are
entered, this represents a default route.
Network Mask
— Destination IPv4 mask.
Prefix Length
— Length of the destination IPv4 address prefix.
Route Type
— The possible options are:
— Rejects the route and stops routing to the destination
network via all gateways. This ensures that if a frame arrives with
the destination IP of this route, it is dropped.
— The route is a remote path.
Route Owner
— Displays one of the following:
— Directly-connected route.