Switch Management
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
SNTP is a simple and lighter version of NTP, and can be used when the
ultimate performance of the full NTP implementation, described in
RFC-1305, is not required. SNTP operates with NTP, thus an SNTP client
can work with both SNTP and NTP servers.
The switch operates only as a client, and cannot provide time services to other
SNTP Server Types
The switch can accept time information from the following server types:
• Unicast
Polling for Unicast information is used for polling a server whose IP
address is known. This is the preferred method for synchronizing device
time, as it is most secure.
Up to eight SNTP servers can be defined.
If this method is selected, SNTP information is accepted only from SNTP
servers defined in the
Time levels T1 - T4 (see the
Algorithm for Selecting Designated SNTP
section) are used to determine from which server time information
is accepted.
If Unicast polling is not enabled or if no servers are defined on the device,
the device accepts time information from any SNTP server of the type that
is enabled, which responds.
• Anycast
Polling for Anycast information is used when the SNTP server’s IP address
is not defined or it cannot be reached. If this method is enabled, time
information can be received from any SNTP server on the network. The
device time and date are synchronized when it proactively requests
synchronization information.
Anycast polling to get time information is preferable to Broadcast polling,
because it is more secure.
Time levels T3 and T4 are used to determine from which server time
information is accepted.