Switch Management
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
IPv6 Prefixes
While Unicast IPv6 addresses written with their prefix lengths are permitted,
in practice their prefix lengths are always 64 bits, and therefore are not
required to be expressed. Any prefix that is less than 64 bits is a route or
address range that summarizes a portion of the IPv6 address space.
For every assignment of an IP address to an interface, the system runs the
Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) algorithm to ensure uniqueness.
An intermediary transition mechanism is required for IPv6-only nodes to
communicate with IPv6 nodes over an IPv4 infrastructure. The tunneling
mechanism implemented is the Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing
Protocol (ISATAP). This protocol treats the IPv4 network as a virtual IPv6
local-link, with each IPv4 address mapped to a Link Local IPv6 address.
Switch Information
Use the Switch Information page to view and configure general device
information, including the system name, location, contact, system MAC
Address, System Object ID, date, time, and system up time.
To configure general device parameters:
Switch Management
Switch Information
and enter the fields:
System Name (0-160 Characters)
— Enter the user-defined device
System Contact (0-160 Characters)
— Enter the name of the contact
System Location (0-160 Characters)
— Enter the location where the
system is currently running.
MAC Address
— Displays the device MAC address, which is hard
coded on the switch and thus not editable.
Sys Object ID
— Displays the vendor's authoritative identification of
the network management subsystem contained in the entity.
— Enter the current date (mandatory). If SNTP has been
defined, but the SNTP server is not available, the switch uses the date
and time in this field and the
field. Otherwise this information
is taken from the SNTP server.