Network Administration: Route Settings
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
Default Services
are not selected, check the text box and enter a
UDP port.
Destination IP Address
— Enter the IP address that receives the UDP
packet relays. If this field is, UDP packets are discarded. If this
field is, UDP packets are flooded to all IP interfaces.
IPv6 Route Settings
This section covers the following topics:
• IPv6 Routes Table
• ISATAP Tunnel
• Router Advertisement
• IPv6 Prefixes
IPv6 Routes Table
The IPv6 Routes Table contains the various routes that have been configured.
One of these routes is a default route (IPv6 address:0) that uses the default
router selected from the IPv6 Default Router List to send packets to
destination devices that are not in the same IPv6 subnet as the device. In
addition to the default route, the table also contains dynamic routes that are
ICMP redirect routes received from IPv6 routers by using ICMP redirect
messages. This could happen when the default router the device uses is not
the router for traffic to which the IPv6 subnets that the device wants to
The routing table is used to determine the next-hop address and the interface
used for forwarding.
Each dynamic entry also has an associated invalidation timer value
(extracted from Router Advertisements). This timer is used to delete entries
that are no longer advertised.
To add an IPv6 route:
Network Administration >
Route Settings
IPv6 Routes Settings
> IPv6 Routes Table
The following is displayed for each IP address:
Destination IPv6 Prefix
— The destination IPv6 address prefix.