FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
• X1018/P
• X1026/P
For more information, see
Command Line Interface
Command Line Interface
(CLI) is composed of mandatory and optional
elements. The CLI interpreter provides command and keyword completion to
assist users and save typing.
CLI is only available in Managed mode.
For more information, see
Syslog is a protocol that enables event notifications to be stored locally. You
can configure the switch to send them to a remote SYSLOG server. The
system sends notifications of significant events in real time, and keeps a
record of these events for after-the-fact usage.
For more information on SYSLOG, see
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) assures accurate Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) synchronization up to the millisecond. The time is
synchronized from an SNTP server over a packet-switched network. Time
sources are prioritized by strata. Strata define the distance from the reference
clock. The higher the stratum (where zero is the highest), the more accurate
the clock.
For more information, see
Domain Name System
Domain Name System (DNS) converts user-defined domain names into IP
addresses. The switch resolves domain names to IP addresses from its local
DNS cache or from a DNS server. For example, www.ipexample.com is
translated into DNS servers maintain domain name databases
containing their corresponding IP addresses.
For more information, see