Template Last Updated - 2010
Network Administration: sFlow
D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A RY 8 / 9 / 16 - F O R P RO O F O N L Y
Network Administration: sFlow
This section describes sFlow monitoring of traffic.
It contains the following topics:
• Overview
• sFlow Receiver Settings
• sFlow Interface Settings
• sFlow Statistics
This feature is supported as follows:
x1052/P and x4012 — Supported
x1008/P, x1018/P, x1026/P — Not Supported
The sFlow feature enables collecting statistics using the sFlow sampling
technology, based on sFlow V5.
This sampling technology is embedded within switches and routers. It
provides the ability to continuously monitor traffic flows on some or all the
interfaces, simultaneously.
The sFlow monitoring system consists of an sFlow agent (embedded in a
switch or router or in a stand alone probe) and a central data collector, known
as the sFlow receiver.
The sFlow agent uses sampling technology to capture traffic and statistics
from the device it is monitoring. sFlow datagrams are used to forward the
sampled traffic and statistics to an sFlow receiver for analysis.
sFlow V5 defines:
• How traffic is monitored.
• The sFlow MIB that controls the sFlow agent.