Switch Management
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L CO N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A RY 8 / 9 / 16 - F O R P RO O F O N L Y
Accounting Port
— Enter the accounting port, which is the UDP port
number of the RADIUS server used for accounting requests. Enter 0 if
you do not want this server to be used for accounting purposes.
Key String
— The key string used for authenticating and encrypting
all RADIUS communications between the device and the RADIUS
server. Select
Use Default
to use the default value.
Number of Retries
— Enter the number of requests sent to the
RADIUS server before a failure occurs. Select
Use Default
to use the
default value.
Timeout for Reply
— The amount of the time in seconds that the
device waits for an answer from the RADIUS server before retrying the
query, or switching to the next server. Select
Use Default
to use the
default value.
Dead Time
— The amount of time (in minutes) that a RADIUS
server is bypassed for service requests. Select
Use Default
to use the
default value.
Usage Type
— Enter the RADIUS server usage. The possible options
— Used for login authentication and/or accounting.
— Used for 802.1x authentication and/or accounting.
— Used for all types of authentication and/or accounting.