Network Administration: Security
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
Storm Control
To configure Storm Control:
Network Administration > Security
Storm Control
Storm control parameters are displayed for all ports.
To configure Storm Control on a port, click
Select a port from the Port drop-down list, click its Edit button and enter
the following fields:
Broadcast Control
— Enable/disable forwarding Broadcast packets on
the specific interface.
Broadcast Mode
— Select the counting mode. The possible options
Multicast & Broadcast
— Counts Broadcast and Multicast traffic
together towards the bandwidth threshold.
Broadcast Only
— Counts only Broadcast traffic towards the
bandwidth threshold.
Broadcast Rate Threshold (3500-1000000)
— Enter the maximum
rate (Kbits/sec) at which unknown packets are forwarded.
Port Security
Network security can be enhanced by limiting access on a port to users with
specific MAC addresses. The MAC addresses can be dynamically learned, or
they can be statically configured.
Port security has the following modes:
Classic Lock
— Locked port security monitors both received and learned
packets that are received on specific ports. Access to the locked port is
limited to users with specific MAC addresses. These addresses are either
manually defined on the port, or learned on that port before it was locked.
Limited Dynamic Lock
— When a packet is received on a locked port,
and the packet’s source MAC address is not tied to that port (either it was
learned on a different port, or it is unknown to the system), a protection
mechanism, which provides various options is invoked. Unauthorized
packets arriving to a locked port are either: