Switch Management
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
Authentication Key
— Enter the key used for authentication. The
SNTP server must send this key for the switch to use its time and date
Trusted Key
— Check to specify that the encryption key is used to
authenticate the (Unicast) SNTP server. If this is not checked, the
key is not used for authentication (and another key(s) is used).
SNTP Servers
To add an SNTP server or display SNTP server information:
Switch Management >
Time Synchronization
SNTP Servers
The following is displayed for the previously-defined servers:
SNTP Server
— IP address of server.
— Polls the selected SNTP server for system time information,
when enabled.
Encryption Key ID
— Key Identification used to communicate
between the SNTP server and device.
— SNTP server providing SNTP system time information.
The system displays on of the following options:
— The server from which time was last accepted.
— All other servers from which time was received.
— The operating SNTP server status. The possible options are:
— The SNTP server is currently operating normally.
— An SNTP server is currently not available, for example,
the SNTP server is currently not connected or is currently down.
In progress
— The SNTP server is currently sending or receiving
SNTP information.
— The progress of the SNTP information currently
being sent is unknown, for example, the device is currently
looking for an interface.
Last Response
— The last time a response was received from the
SNTP server.