Enable DFS
– select to enable a radar detection. With enabled DFS, iPoll AP monitors the operating
frequency for radar signals. If radar signals are detected on the channel, the unit randomly selects a
different channel. Note that if APC is operating on channel where DFS is required, this option
automatically will be enabled.
– choose the unit’s antenna operating mode:
– single input single output. The device will use only one antenna for data transfer.
The antenna will be chosen automatically.
– multiple input multiple output. The device will use two antennas for data transfer
(two simultaneous streams).
Max data rate
– select the device data transmission rates in Mbps from the drop-down list. The iPoll
AP will attempt to transmit data at the highest data rate set. If there will be an interference
encountered, the APC will step down to the highest rate that allows data transmission.
Transmit queue length, frames
– specify the length in frames of the transmit queue.