Abbreviation Explanation
Common terminal
This is generally connected to either a power source, or the supply return. See the
wiring examples for more information.
Assigning input and output functions to terminals, and setting parameters, so that
the controller is suitable for the application where it is installed.
A generator is connected to the system if it is running, synchronised with the
busbar, and its breaker is closed.
DEIF equipment that measures system conditions and then uses outputs to make
the system respond appropriately.
The ladder logic system included in the controller software, which can be configured
for customised responses to measured or calculated values.
Diesel generator
A GENSET controller can control a diesel generator.
Digital input
Terminals on a controller hardware module that the controller uses to measure a
digital input. A pre-configured digital input function or alarm can be assigned to the
Digital output
Terminals on a controller hardware module that the controller uses to send a digital
output. A pre-configured digital output function can be assigned to the output.
Direct current
Emergency diesel
An EMERGENCY genset controller can control an emergency diesel generator.
genset controller
Controls and protects the emergency genset (normally a diesel generator). This
includes control of the generator breaker and the tie breaker. If the system loses
power, the controller ensures that the emergency genset supplies power to the
emergency busbar.
A controller test environment, accessible from PICUS, that does not require live AC
power. A virtual operation mode, to simulate the effect of various real world actions.
Engine interface
module 3.1
A replaceable PCB, with its own power supply. This module includes 4 relay
outputs, 4 digital inputs, an MPU and W input, and 3 analogue inputs. Used in some
of the DEIF controller types.
Software that is installed in the controller. This software enables the controller to:
process inputs and outputs, display operating data, keep track of the equipment
status, and so on.
Generator breaker
The breaker between a generator (for example, a genset) and the busbar. The
GENSET and EMERGENCY genset controllers can control a generator breaker.
GENSET controller
Controls and protects a genset (normally a diesel generator). This includes control
of the generator breaker. The Power Management System can automatically start
and stop gensets to ensure that the required power is available.
Regulates the engine speed.
Governor and AVR
module 3.1
A replaceable PCB, which includes load sharing capability. This module also
includes 4 relay outputs, 2 analogue current or voltage outputs, a pulse width
modulation output, and 2 analogue current or voltage inputs. Used in some of the
DEIF controller types.
Heavy consumer
When a request is made, the power management system reserves and manages
the power required by the heavy consumer(s).
A pre-defined condition that inhibits the alarm action. For example, for the inhibit
ACM wire break, if the controller detects a wire break on the voltage
measurements, the voltage unbalance alarm is prevented from occurring. Inhibited
alarms are not shown in the alarm display.
Input output module
A replaceable PCB, with four relay outputs, and 10 digital inputs. Used in the DEIF
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