Configuring the Output Turn On Turn Off Sequence
Turn-on and turn-off delays control the turn-on and turn-off timing of the outputs in relation to each other.
Step 1 – Set the output voltage and current
Refer to steps 1 and 2 under
and set the output voltage and current values that will be
Step 2 – Configure the turn-on turn-off delays:
Press Output Settings to access the Output Settings – On/Off Delays. Enter the On Delays and Off Delays for all
outputs that will participate in the output on/off delay sequence. Values can range from 0 to 3600 seconds.
Step 3 – Coupling selected outputs:
This step is only required if you will be including some outputs to participate in an output on/off delay
sequence or if you are coupling multiple power supplies. If only a single output is to be used in the sequence,
you can skip this step.
From the menu, press On/Off Coupling to access the On/Off Coupling mode settings.
– Press Coup CH 1 to toggle between Off and On in order to turn off or on the coupling for Output 1.
Step 4 – Use the On key:
Once output delays have been set, press [On] to start the On delay and Off delay sequence.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide