Data logger view
Press Data Logger to access the data logger.
Trace controls
Identifies the voltage, current, or power trace that will be displayed. √ indicates the trace is
on. Dashes (----) indicate the trace is off. Select the trace and press [Enter] to turn it on or
Data bar
The data bar represents all of the logged data. The yellow part indicates the portion of the
data that is visible on the display. The black part represents the data that is not visible.
Identifies the horizontal time-base setting. This can be adjusted using the Horizontal knob
after pressing Knob Scale.
Offset time
Indicates the time that the right gridline is offset or away from the end of the data log. When
this value is zero, it means that the right gridline is positioned at the end of the data log.
Adjusting the offset will move the grid away from the end of the data log, as indicated by the
Offset Time. The offset can be adjusted using the Horizontal knob after pressing Knob Ofs.
Trigger source
Indicates the trigger source for the data logger.
Time elapsed
Indicates the time elapsed during the data log and the total duration. The values match
when data logging finishes.
Indicates the filename of the data that is being logged.
Data traces
Voltage trace labels appear on the left side of the grid (V1) as shown in the display.
Current trace labels appear on the right side of the grid (I1).
Power trace labels appear on the center of the grid (P1).
Press Auto Scale to auto-scale the data traces.
Ground reference
The ground reference of the trace. Ground references are offset so that they do not overlap.
The ground reference offset value is referenced to the horizontal center line of the grid.
Grid time
Displays the time on the gridline.
Out of view arrows
Indicate that the trace, I1 in the figure, is out of view. Press Knob Scale or Knob Ofs and use
the Vertical knob to bring the trace into view. Press Auto Scale to autoscale the data traces.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide