The table below indicates the output range and default value for voltage and current settings:
Output range
Default value
Output range
Default value
0 to 30.9 V
0 V
0 to 61.8 V
0 V
0 to 82.4 A
8 A
0 to 41.2 A
4 A
Step 2 - Enable the output
Press the color-coded [On] key to enable the output. When an output is on, the [On] key for that output is lit. When
an output is off, the [On] key is not lit.
The state of a disabled output (output off) is a condition of zero output voltage and zero source current.
Step 3 - View the output voltage and current
Press [Meter View] to view the output voltage and current. When an output is enabled, the front panel meters
continuously measure and display the output voltage and current.
Constant voltage and constant current
If the output load resistance exceeds the voltage setting divided by the current setting, the instrument will operate in
constant-voltage (CV) mode. The current will equal the voltage divided by the load resistance.
If the output load resistance is less than the voltage setting divided by the current setting, the instrument will
operate in constant-current (CC) mode. The voltage will equal the current multiplied by the load resistance.
From the remote interface:
To set output to 5 V and 8 A:
APPL 5, 8
To enable output:
To measure the output voltage and current:
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide