License for Optional Features
The License function lets you install firmware options into the power supply.
You will need license to access the following features:
– Option E36150ADVU - Scope and AWG Advanced Feature
– Option SEC - NISPOM and File Security. This is factory installable option.
For more information on how to purchase a license, go to
Obtaining the License for Option E36150ADVU
To obtain the license, you must first purchase the option. After you have purchased the option, you will receive a
Software Entitlement Certificate. When this is received, you can start obtaining the license.
To get the license key, log onto the website
and follow the on-screen
directions. These include:
1. Creating a user account (if not already set up).
2. Entering your Order and Certificate number (these appear in your Software Entitlement Certificate).
3. Entering the Host instrument's 10-character serial number (this is located on the rear panel of the instrument).
4. Selecting the software license for the instrument.
Upon completion, the .lic license file will be sent via email.
Installing License for Option E36150ADVU
After receiving a license file from Keysight, use the following procedure to install the license:
1. Save the license file to a USB drive and connect the USB drive to the power supply's front panel USB connector.
2. Press Utilities > Test/Setup > User Settings > License.
3. Press Browse to browse and specify the location where the license file is placed. Then, press Select.
4. Press Load to install the license . License verification will take place in the background.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide