DM16E1 / DM4E1 Operation and Installation Manual - 204-4001-19
There are two types of management for the DM16E1/DM4E1 equipment:
Remote Management: the status requisitions or configuration orders for the remote equipment
are executed through the management input (which is nominated head of ring). This equipment will be
responsible to repass the requisitions to the remote equipment.
IP Management: the local equipment operates as a routing, using a management channel as
WAN. The remote equipment are directly accessed via IP (DMLAN).
The operation via the remote equipment´s terminal always uses the remote management. The
management through DmView can use both modalities.
The use of management type is selected by the Direct IP SNMP Management parameter from the SNMP
Parameters menu after inserting the equipment’s access password. This setup can be changed as from
the DmView as soon as the equipment IP access will be provided. In terms of performance, it is
recommended the use of IP management on systems with DmView.
The default setup has a in-band management, using a 40kbit/s channel in the E3 aggregate overhead.
This band can be increased through a dedicated 2M E1 channel at the E3 payload (refer to the item
3.10.3), enhancing the management performance on big systems:
By 5 elements: can be used management and rate according to the availability.
More than 5 elements: it is recommended the DMLAN IP management.
Between 7 and 14 elements: it is recommended DMLAN IP management over 2M.
The maximum limit to the DM4E1/DM16E1 equipment in a ring is 14 elements.
13.1. Remote Management
The DM16E1/DM4E1 multiplexers can be managed by or manage other DM16E1/DM4E1 remotely. In this
case, the communication protocol between the devices is proprietary.
The great advantage of this system is that several devices may be managed from a single point,
discarding the use of an E1 channel to carry out the flow of this information.
Only the DM16E1/DM4E1 connected with each other directly (point-to-point, ring or loop) can be managed
through this way. For the directly unconnected equipment management, the routing WAN2 port (Frame
Relay/PPP) should be used.
13.1.1. In Band Management
The in-band SNMP management is executed by using the WAN1 interface via DMLAN routing function.
This option can be used when the manager cannot be accessible by LAN network, therefore, there is no
local access to the Ethernet network.
The parameters selected by the Terminal, such as IP address of the agent and the sub-network mask,
must be configured prior to connection of the equipment to the manager.
In the remote management, the head of ring element is only directly accessed through the SNMP by using
a specified IP address. The series number serves as identification for the remote elements.