DM16E1 / DM4E1 Operation and Installation Manual - 204-4001-19
Sub-Net Address / Mask: Sub-net address used by the virtual circuit. Also defines the IP address
for WAN2 interfaces set to Frame Relay (Sub-Net Address field, with no mask).
MTU: Maximum possible size of a packet transmitted in the interface with no fragmentation.
State: Indicates the current communication status of each virtual circuit. Possible values:
ACT: active.
D/U or I/U: inactive user circuit or not yet identified by the net.
DataCom Telematica - DM16E1 Multiplexer
User Virtual Circuits
Interface DLCI Sub-Net Address Sub-Net Mask MTU State
1 - WAN2 0020 192.168. 2. 25 255.255.255. 0 1500 I/U
(A)dd /(D)elete /(E)dit Virtual Circuit
(V)iew Network Virtual Circuits
<ESC> Return to Previous Menu
Options (A)dd, (D)elete, and (E)dit allow to add (maximum of 5 circuits), delete or edit virtual circuits,
respectively. It is necessary to configure at least one DLCI for Frame Relay interface. Deleting all circuits is
not allowed.
Option (V)iew Network Virtual Circuits allows the user to visualize the DLCIs offered by Frame Relay
network (UNI-Network). The screen is identical to the one shown in last screen, the only difference is that
the following possible status options are presented for each virtual circuit:
U/N: The circuit is active and recognized by the network. This is a temporary status, since the
circuit will soon be recognized and go to the user list as ACT.
D/U or I/U: network circuit is inactive or was not configured yet.
9.4.11. Advanced Frame Relay Parameters
Advanced Frame Relay configurations are accessible via Router Configuration
Advanced Frame
Relay Configuration, as shown in screen below: