DM16E1 / DM4E1 Operation and Installation Manual - 204-4001-19
Manager IP address to send traps: The addresses of the management workstations
(using DmView) that are present in the sub-network must receive updates on changes in
the interfaces installed in the equipment. Factory value: To avoid unnecessary
LAN traffic, only configure this parameter if SNMP management is going to be used.
Read SNMP Community: Keyword that must be included in SNMP packs for reading
permission. Factory value: public.
Read and Write SNMP Community: Keyword that must be included in SNMP packs for
writing permission. Factory value: private.
Allow SNMP SET operations: Allows to activate/deactivate modifications of parameters
in the equipment via SNMP. This protection has no effect on configurations done via the
Terminal port.
Terminal Password Configuration: Permits the access password to be altered and/or disabled.
Ask for Password on Terminal initialization: Enables/disables the terminal access
password. If the password is disabled and then enabled again, the terminal reverts to the
factory value: "proxySNMP". Factory value: YES.
Change Password: Permits the terminal access password to be modified.
Firmware Download to Local Equipment:
Enables the firmware updating via the terminal.
For further efficiency, the update through TFTO is recommended (refer to 14.2 item).
Exit / Exit and Reset: Presents options to close configurations via the Terminal port, reverting to
the terminal authentication screen. In order to assure that the parameters, which are dependent
on reinitiating the equipment, take effect, it is necessary to use the "Exit and Reset" option. The
terminal will prompt the use of this option whenever necessary.
3.7. Option Choose Equipment to Configure
This option opens the equipment choice menu.
On this screen it is possible to choose the equipment to be configured: local equipment or remote
connected to the local one through an aggregate link.
In order for the management system to function correctly, configurations must initially be made locally. This
requirement is necessary because an established aggregate link is needed for the management operation.
Details about the required configuration are addressed in chapter 3.3.