DM16E1 / DM4E1 Operation and Installation Manual - 204-4001-19
13.2. IP Management (Direct IP SNMP)
The network management is a complex task, involving setup, monitoring and control of the most several
hardware and software components. Its main functions involve the setup and the monitoring of the
equipment performance, the access control to the network resources, the billing of available resources and
costs involved on its use and location, besides the corrections of faults occurred on the networks.
For these activities, the ability to get information about the involved equipment as well as its changes is
fundamental. Thus, for manipulating great quantity of data from the extended range of the equipment types
existing on the networks, the use of specific standard management protocols for network management
become essential. The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol developed for this
finality, enabling the access to the information in environments composed of multivendor equipment.
For further detailed information about SNMP, refer to the DmView management software manual.
13.3. Management Setup
For a complete SNMP configuration, beside the network parameters (agent IP, network mask) essential to
the equipment functioning, the parameters regarding the operations (reading community and reading/
writing community) permission can be changed too. These parameters have a default setup as strings
“public” and “private”.
The manager’s IP address for traps receiving should be set too, in order to avoid data loss. Moreover, the
SNMP SET operation qualification can be also changed. The default setup for this parameter is enabled.
The community parameters and the SETs qualifications can be configured by the terminal port only, due to
security issues.
13.3.1. Setup via SNMP
The parameters related to the IP layer are requested for the equipment functioning and they should be
configured initially by terminal port. The SNMP parameters, such as the manager’s IP address, do not
need an immediate configuration for the DM16E1/DM4E1 functioning.
Moreover the basic setup, there are several specific parameters to the multiplexer and its interfaces to be
configured by using the specific equipment’s MIBs.
13.3.2. Ethernet Management
The SNMP management can be executed via Ethernet or through one of the WAN interfaces. The
Ethernet is normally selected when the manager is accessible via LAN network. Therefore, there is a local
access between the manager and the equipment. The access can be made by routers or similar.
This interface is available on the backend panel in a RJ45 connector identified as ROUTER/ SNMP. The
pin wiring enables the direct cabling connection with a hub or switch. For checking the pin wiring, refer to
the Table 13.
The parameters selected by terminal, such as agent’s IP address, subnetwork´s mask and Default
Gateway’s IP address should be configured before to turn on the equipment to the LAN.
At the IP management, all elements are directly accessed through the attributed IP addresses.