DM16E1 / DM4E1 Operation and Installation Manual - 204-4001-19
In Line or Cross Ring network topologies, the main loopback is formed by the reception of cards configured
as Main and by the transmission of cards configured as Backup. Therefore, the Main cards are, by
convention, the ones that receive data from the main link.
The backup loopback is, thus, formed by the RX Backup and TX Main interfaces in these network
6.9. Status
Screen below shows the aggregate status menu (/status/port/Agg):
DataCom Telematica - DM16E1 Multiplexer
Port Status
Slot AG1 - Port 01 - E3 SM Short Range Bidirectional 1310nm
Operation :[ Active ]
Current Tests :[ None ]
Main Link :[ LOS ]
Remote Alarm :[ Unknown ]
1st E2 Link :[ Unknown ]
2nd E2 Link :[ Unknown ]
3rd E2 Link :[ Unknown ]
4th E2 Link :[ Unknown ]
<ENTER> Refresh <ESC> Exit
[N]ext Card <PgDn>
Operation: Port activation. Displays Active if the card is activated.
Current Tests: Type of test currently running on the port. Valid values for aggregate interfaces
include None, Running LDL, and Running LAL.
Main Link: Current synchronization status of the aggregate interface. Also indicated by the
AGREG1 and AGREG2 leds on the front panel. Values:
Sync. OK: Aggregate channel synchronization is OK. This indication is also used when the
backup link is OK in Point to Point network topologies.
No Frame Sync: Loss of frame synchronization in the aggregate interface.
Rec. AIS: Aggregate interface receiving an all ones signal (marks).
LOS: Loss of clock signal in the aggregate channel or aggregate interface disconnected.
Additionally, cards configured as Backup can have the following status options:
Rec. Stand By Seq.: Indicates that the next device in the loopback is adequately receiving data in
the main link.
Rec. Forced Loop Seq.: Indicates that the main link in the next device in the loopback is failing. If
the signal is lost, the Backup card acts as if it were receiving the signal.
Figure 19 shows a DM16E1/DM4E1 loopback with aggregate redundancy. The indication of equipment
backup status is in bold, Main and Backup indicate the status for the Main Link of Main and Backup
aggregate interfaces, respectively.
When all main links are OK, the indication on all Main cards is Sinc OK; in the Backup cards, the indication
is link backup OK (Rec. Stand By Seq.).