Xtium2-CL MX4 User's Manual
Camera Link Interface
Camera Signal Summary
Video Data
Four enable signals are defined as:
FVAL Frame Valid (FVAL) is defined HIGH for valid lines
LVAL Line Valid (LVAL) is defined HIGH for valid pixels
DVAL Data Valid (DVAL) is defined HIGH when data is valid
SpareA spare has been defined for future use
The camera provides the four enables on each Channel Link. All unused data bits must be set to a
known value by the camera.
Camera Controls
Four LVDS pairs are reserved for general-purpose camera control, defined as camera inputs and
frame grabber outputs.
Camera Control 1 (CC1)
Camera Control 2 (CC2)
Camera Control 3 (CC3)
Camera Control 4 (CC4)
The Xtium2-CL MX4 by default implements the control lines as follows,
(using Teledyne DALSA terminology):
Two LVDS pairs are allocated for asynchronous serial communication to and from the camera and
frame grabber. Cameras and frame grabbers should support at least 9600 baud.
SerTFG Differential pair with serial communications to the frame grabber
SerTCDifferential pair with serial communications to the camera
The serial interface protocol is one start bit, one stop bit, no parity, and no handshaking.