Touching live electrical parts can cause fatal shocks or severe burns. The electrode and work
circuits are electrically live whenever the output is on. The power line and internal circuits of
this equipment are also live when the line disconnect switch is on. When arc welding all
metal components in the torch and work circuits are electrically live.
Leaving piled-up dust in the welding machine may cause insulation deterioration and result
in electrical shock and fire.
1. Do not touch live electrical parts.
2. Wear dry insulating gloves and other body protection that are free of holes.
3. Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulating mats or covers.
4. Be sure to disconnect the line disconnect switch before installing, changing torch parts or
maintaining this equipment.
5. Properly install and ground this equipment according to its Owner’s Manual and national,
state, and local codes.
6. Keep all panels and covers of this equipment securely in place.
7. Do not use worn, damaged, undersized, or poorly spliced cables.
8. Do not touch electrodes or any metal objects if POWER switch is ON.
9. Do not wrap cables around your body.
10. Turn off POWER switch when not in use.
11. Remove dust by blowing moisture-free compressed air on each part periodically.
ARC RAYS can burn eyes and skin: FLYING SPARKS AND HOT METAL can
cause injury. NOISE can damage hearing.
Arc rays from the welding process produce intense heat and strong ultraviolet rays that can
burn eyes and skin. Noise from some arc welding can damage hearing.
1. Wear face shield with a proper shade of filter (See ANSI Z 49.1 listed in PRINCIPAL
SAFETY STANDARDS) to protect your face and eyes when welding or watching a welder
2. Wear approved face shields or safety goggles. Side shields recommended.
3. Use protective screens or barriers to protect others from flash and glare: warn others not
to look at the arc.
4. Wear protective clothing made from durable, flame-resistant material (wool and leather)
and foot protection.
5. Use approved earplugs or earmuffs if noise level is high.
Chipping and grinding can cause flying metal. As welds cool, they can throw off slag.
6. Wear proper body protection to protect skin.