EE Pro for TI - 89, 92 Plus
Introduction to EE
Analysis-(Chapters 2-14) Analysis is organized into 12 topics and 33 sub-topics. The tools in this section
incorporate a wide variety of analysis methods used by electrical engineers. Examples include evaluation of AC
circuit performance characteristics, designing signal filters, building and computing ladder network properties,
plotting transfer functions, estimating transformer and transmission line characteristics, performing binary
arithmetic operations, and estimating pay-back returns for different projects in capital budgeting. Many sections
in analysis can perform calculations for numeric as well as symbolic entries.
Equation Library (Chapters 15-31) This section contains over 700 equations organized under 16 topics and 105
subtopics. In any sub-topic, the user is able to select a set of equations, enter known values and compute results
for unknown variables. The math engine is able to compute multiple or partial solution sets. A built-in unit
management feature allows for the entry and expression of values in SI or other established measurement systems.
Descriptions of each variable, unit selection, and appropriate diagrams are included in this section of the software.
Reference (Chapters 32-41) The Reference section of EE•Pro contains tables of information commonly found in
electrical engineering handbooks. Topics include physical and chemical properties of common semiconductor
materials, a list of fundamental constants commonly used by electrical engineers, tables of Fourier, Laplace, and z-
transforms, and a list of Boolean algebraic expressions. Added features are the ability to perform simple
computations, such as estimating standard (or preferred) manufacturer component values for inductors, resistors,
and capacitors, in addition to a resistor color chart guide which can compute resistance and tolerance from a
resistor’s color band sequence.
1.2 Purchasing, Downloading and Installing EE
The EE
Pro software can only be purchased on-line from the web store at Texas Instruments Inc. at
http://www.ti.com/calc. The software can be installed directly from your computer to your calculator using TI-
hardware and software (sold separately). Directions for purchasing, downloading and installing
Pro software are available from TI’s website.
1.3 Manual Ordering Information
Chapters and Appendices of the manual for EE
Pro can be downloaded from TI’s web store and viewed using the
free Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com (it is recommended that you use
the latest version of the Acrobat reader and use the most updated driver for your printer). Printed manuals can be
purchased separately from da Vinci Technologies (see address on cover page or visit da Vinci’s website
1.4 Memory Requirements
The EE
Pro program is installed in the system memory portion of the flash ROM, which is separate from the
RAM available to the user. EE
Pro uses RAM to store some of its session information, including values entered
and computed by the user. The exact amount of memory required depends on the number of user-stored variables
and the number of session folders designated by the user. To view the available memory in your TI calculator, use
function. It is recommended that at least 10K of free RAM be available for installation and use of