DHCPv6 Mode
Specify the mode of DHCPv6 server, either Stateless or Stateful
Domain Name
Enter a domain name for the DHCP server.
Server Reference
Enter the server preference level for the DHCP server in the Server
Preference field. If multiple DHCP servers exist in a network, the server with the highest
preference level is allowed to assign the addresses.
Lease Time
Enter how long (in minutes) an address is leased to a client.
Rapid Commit Option
Check to enable Rapid Commit which allows the server and
client to use a two-message exchange to configure clients, rather than the default four-
message exchange.
DNS Server
Specify the source of DNS server, DNS from WAN, DNS Proxy or DNS
If you choose DNS Manually, enter the IPv6 address of the primary DNS server
to use on the IPv6 network in the Static DNS 1 field.
If you choose DNS Manually, enter the IPv6 address of the primary DNS server
to use on the IPv6 network in the Static DNS 2 field.
IPv6 Start Address
If DHCPv6 mode is set
“Stateful”, add the initial IPv6 address to
IPv6 Start Address.
IPv6 End Address
If DHCPv6 mode is set
“Stateful”, add the initial IPv6 address to
IPv6 Start Address.