Cold Start Trap
Enable or disable the Gateway to send a trap when the Gateway is
turned on.
Warm Start Trap
Enable or disable the Gateway to send a trap when the Gateway
Authentication Failure Trap
Enable or disable the Gateway to send authentication
failure trap after any unauthorized users attempt to login.
Port Link Up/Down Trap
Enable or disable the Gateway to send port link up/link
down trap.
System Power Down Trap (1st Destination Only):
Send a trap notice while the
Gateway is power down.
Auto-Provision Notification Trap
Enable to send a trap when
Auto-Provision fails,
including firmware/configuration upgrade fail, incomplete firmware/configuration, incorrect
firmware/configuration, MD5 download fail.
3.15.6 Administration Device Access
The network administrator may need to restrict the management access from LAN ports so he can
prevent end users to change the settings of the Residential Gateway. Or he may want to manage
the Residential Gateway via SNMP and deactivate management access via HTTP for security
concern. This page allows him to make the management access policies of the Residential
Gateway. Select
Device Access
from the
sub menu bar. Then,
Device Access
screen page appears as follows: