Gateway(config)# no ip ddns authentication
Set IPv6 DDNS Authentication type to default.
Gateway(config)# no ip ddns host-name
Clear the host name.
Gateway(config)# no ip ddns password
Clear the password.
Gateway(config)# no ip ddns token
Clear IPv6 DDNS token
Gateway(config)# no ip ddns username
Clear IPv6 DDNS user name
Show command
Gateway(config)#show ipv6 ddns
Show the current DDNS configurations or verify
the DDNS settings.
2. Get an IPv6 address automatically from DHCP server.
Gateway(config)# ipv6 dhcpv6
Enable DHCPv6 server
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server apply
Apply DHCPv6 server configurations.
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server action [proxy | from-wan
| manual]
[proxy | from-
wan | manual]
Specify DNS server mode.
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server dns-server manual dns1
[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h] If you choose DNS Manually, enter the IPv6
address of the primary DNS server to use on
the IPv6 network in the Static DNS 1 field.
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server dns-server manual dns2
[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h] If you choose DNS Manually, enter the IPv6
address of the primary DNS server to use on
the IPv6 network in the Static DNS 2 field.
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server domain-name
[domain_name] Enter a domain name for the DHCP server,
up to 30 characters.
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server ipv6-address-range
[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h] [a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h]
[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h] If DHCPv6 mode is set
“Stateful”, add the
initial and endIPv6 address.
Gateway(config)# ip dhcpv6
server ipv6-duid-binding
address-reservation [1-20]
Specify address reservation number.
reservation-No.)# description
Specify description up to 30 characters.
reservation-No.)# duid
Specify DUID.
reservation-No.)# ipv6-address
[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h] Specify binding client IPv6 address.
Gateway(config)# ipv6 dhcpv6
server ipv6-lease-time [0-
Enter how long (in minutes) an address is
leased to a client. A value of 0 means that
the client can use the address for one day.
Gateway(config)# ipv6 dhcpv6
server [stateless | stateful]
[stateless |
Specify DHCPv6 mode.