Gateway(config)# security
ddos per-source-ip syn
Enable to prevent a SYN attack on a
specified IP address.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos per-source-ip syn [1-
Specify the packets per second.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos per-source-ip udp
Enable to prevent a UDP attack on the
LAN port IP address.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos per-source-ip udp [1-
Specify the packets per second.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos source-ip-blocking
Enable to block the IP.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos source-ip-blocking [1-
Specify the time in second to block the IP.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos tcp-scan
Gateway to be probed by a hacker for
open TCP ports to then block.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos tcp-syn-with-data
Enable to prevent the hacker to send a
volume of requests for connections that
cannot be completed.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos tcp-udp-portscan
Enable to prevent a series of systematic
queries to the Residential Gateway for
open ports through which to route traffic.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos udp-bomb
Enable to prevent the hacker congesting
the network by a flood of UDP packets
between him and the Residential Gateway
using the UDP chargen service.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos udp-echo-chargen
Enable to prevent the hacker from
sending a UDP packet to the echo server
with a source port set to the chargen port.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos whole-system-flood
Enable to prevent a FIN flood. This attack
will flood the network with connection
resets from an invalid IP address.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos whole-system-flood
fin [1-999]
Specify the packets per second.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos whole-system-flood
Enable to prevent a flood of ICMP
messages from an invalid IP address.
This attack can cause all TCP requests to
be halted.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos whole-system-flood
icmp [1-999]
Specify the packets per second.
Gateway(config)# security
ddos whole-system-flood
Enable to prevent a SYN attack. A SYN
attack will interrupt the process of the
three way handshake of TCP and redirect
the acknowledge response to a malicious
IP address. Or it will cause the targeted
system to be flooded with false SYN