no.)# metric [1-15]
Specify metric value. Metric is the cost of a
route to a destination network.
No command
Gateway(config)# no ip igmp
Disable IGMP/MLD Snooping function.
Gateway(config)# no ip igmp
snooping immediate-leave
Disable immediate leave function.
Show command
Gateway(config)#show ip igmp
Show current IGMP/MLD snooping status
including immediate leave function.
7. Configure WAN Interface
Parameter Description
Gateway(config)# ip wan-
interface apply
Apply all WAN interface configuration and
all VLAN configuration.
Gateway(config)# ip wan-
interface data [1]
Specify the number of WAN data interface.
The data interface is the default WAN
Interface of the Residential Gateway. It is
open to remote management from the IP
specified using management command
when the management interface is not
created on the Residential Gateway.
Gateway(config-data-1)# active
Enable the WAN interface entry specified.
connection-type [dhcp | static-ip]
[dhcp |
Specify the way of IP distribution, either
DHCP or static IP mode.
Gateway(config-data-1)# dhcp
mtu [68-1500]
Specify the DHCP MTU for optimal
Gateway(config-data-1)# dns
Enable DNS automatically.
Gateway(config-data-1)# dns
server-1 [A.B.C.D]
If you choose to set the DNS manually,
please specify the IP address of the
primary DNS server of this interface. ( This
parameter is only available for the data
interface. )
Gateway(config-data-1)# dns
server-2 [A.B.C.D]
If you choose to set the DNS manually,
please specify the IP address of the
primary DNS server of this interface. ( This
parameter is only available for the data
interface. )
Gateway(config-data-1)# dns
server-3 [A.B.C.D]
If you choose to set the DNS manually,
please specify the IP address of the
primary DNS server of this interface. ( This
parameter is only available for the data
interface. )
Gateway(config-data-1)# ping-
Allow the WAN interface to reply the ICMP
echo requests which it receives from the
public network.
Gateway(config-data-1)# static-
ip [A.B.C.D]
Specify an IP address to assign the
interface an IP address.
Gateway(config-data-1)# static-
Specify the maximal size of Ethernet