enter further addresses and network masks. After a change you will be prompted to
reboot the device. (For more information on IP addresses and network masks refer to
Chapter 10.8.)
PPP Host Name
As a rule, routers identify IP video servers by the MSN. However, some routers also
use the host name for the device. The default name is “ConvisionVideoWebserver“,
but you can change this here.
Selecting ISDN or Modem
Use one of these two buttons to specify whether your Convision V6xx A is connected
via ISDN or a modem.
ISDN Connection to the Convision V6xx A
Figure 20: Configuring the ISDN parameters
1. In the "Phone number (MSN)" field, enter the multiple subscriber number (MSN))
for dialing the Convision V6xx A.
Note: Normally, when using a telephone system, you have to enter only the
extension as the telephone number.
2. Enter the login name in the "Identification for PPP" (point-to-point protocol) field.
3. Enter the password in the "Password for PPP" field.
Note: The data you enter in these fields must also be entered in dial-up
networking when establishing an ISDN connection (refer to document “Convision
System Configuration“).
The login name and the user password are advisable for security
reasons if the Convision V6xx A is addressed directly via an ISDN connection
because a connection can be established even if access to the device is protected by
the user password (refer to Chapter 9.1.8).
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