TDMA CONTROL 602-702 Eng Nov.doc
Monday to Friday
Saturday & Sunday
In Variant B (CONTROL 602) the boiler control in “Set Heating” can be set to
‘Auto + DHW or just DHW. The menu options in: Set Hot Water” are retained
and the output “Boiler On / Off” switches at the DHW’s request.
Hot Water Heating: Allocation Input – Function - Output
Store Sensor Top (Supplied)
Timed DHW Heating
Timed control of extra comfort of
DHW heating
Output: DHW-heating, Boiler On/Off
Time Controlled Hot Water Circulation
The time controlled hot water circulation can save a lot of energy without
sacrificing comfort. The circulation pump can be connected into a bath button
and a built-in timer will be activated. If the bath button (circulation and bath
button, see section 5.6.1) is operated, the circulation pump is switched on for
the set time.
Circulation Pump Running
Time 1...20 Min.
Here, the operating time of the circulation pump can be set. The running time
should be such that warm water is pumped around the circuit form the store to
the furthest tap.
After switching off the pump, there will be an interval break of 15 minutes.
During this period the pump will not run, even when the button is pressed.
Timer: On / Off
If the circulation time switch is turned “On”, the circulation occurs within the
specified time frames according to the programme chosen (circulation period /
interval periods). 6 switching times can be set.
The setting of the timer is decribed in Section 5.6.1.
Be aware of Legionella Regulations