WEB_IST12-2D651CT rev.3 07-13
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free end of the rope firmly in both hands and taut.
using half or twin ropes, always hold both free ends of the ropes firmly
in your hands and taut (Fig. 13.6).
13.7 - Releasing.
You can use the Alpine Up to gradually release
the rope of a second climber even under tension. Insert a quickdraw
karabiner in the hole L with the longest side at right angles to the
device so that the belay karabiner is below it. Hold both free ends of
the rope firmly and taut in your hand and push your palm up on the
belay karabiner so that it comes into contact with the other karabiner,
creating leverage and allowing you to release the rope and/or lower
the climber.
Replace the device if it shows signs of corrosion; clean the device if
dirty, with fresh water and dry it with a non-abrasive cloth; keep the
surfaces smooth and clean without any burrs which could damage
the rope. Do not modify your product in any way. A modification can
reduce the product’s effectiveness.
Dissolve a disinfectant which contains quaternary ammonium salts in
warm water (max 20 °C). Soak the tool in this solution for one hour.
Rinse with potable water and dry it with a clean cloth.
Remove the item from its container and store it in a cool, dry, well-
aired place. There must not be any corrosive or solvent substances or
heat sources (max 100 °C) in the storage place. The karabiner must
not come in contact with other sharp objects which could damage it.
Never store the equipment before having thoroughly dried it and avoid
storing it in places with a high saline concentration. Except for the
above-mentioned indications, there are no special precautions to be
used during the transport. Avoid leaving your equipment in a car or in
a closed place exposed to the sun.
It is rather difficult to establish the length of the device’s life, as it can
be adversely affected by several negative factors such as intensely fre-
quent or improper use; the conditions the device is required to work
in (humid, freezing and icy conditions); wear; corrosion; serious stress
with or without relative deformation; exposure to heat sources; im-
proper storage; device age; exposure to chemical agents .. (plus any
further reason, not merely limited to all the foregoing reasons). Taking
adequate care of your device (please consult the “maintenance” sec-
tion accordingly) will have a considerable influence on and will defi-
nitely increase device durability and long life. By way of example, the
following can be considered as a rule to determine standard potential
durability of devices, tools and equipment: 10 years for products com-
posed of plastic materials and/or with fabric components and ele-
ments. For metal products, durability is undetermined. It is nevertheless
recommended that you replace your devices, tools and equipment at
least every 10 years, considering that in the meantime new techniques
and/or rules and regulations may have
become applicable and your equipment may no longer be compli-
ant and/or compatible with one another. It is therefore highly recom-
mended that you always check your device and equipment before,
during and after use and that that you regularly submit your device and
equipment to inspections and controls by competent persons, every 12
months at the latest. These time intervals may change according to
frequency and intensity of device and equipment use. Should you ever
have even the smallest doubt as to the conditions of the device, please
seethat it is immediately replaced.
The device herein is provided with a three-year warranty against any
manufacturing defect, or defects in the materials it is composed of.
The warranty does not cover standard item wear, device alterations,
improper storage, damages due to improper use of the device, neg-
ligence, improper maintenance, etc., and any other reason not only
limited to the foregoing. Any possible change and/or alteration to the
helmet that has not been expressly authorised by Aludesign S.p.A. is
strictly prohibited in that it may invalidate product performance.
Aludesign S.p.A., or the person(s) in charge of putting this helmet onto
the market cannot in any way be held liable for any possible direct or
indirect, incidental or intentional consequence(s) and/or any other type
of damage(s) whatsoever incurring due to improper and/or incorrect
use(s) of this product and due to an use that does not comply with what
is indicated on the present manual.
1) Leader; 2) Hand; 3) Second; 4) Anchor; 5) Fall; 6) Lowering.