Chapter 8 Viewing Log Files
Configuring System Logging for a GSS
Cisco Global Site Selector Administration Guide
Configuring System Logging for a GSS
By default, the GSS maintains system logged records in the gss.log file on the
hard disk. You can change the location to log files to a remote host machine. You
can make global decisions about what level of GSS logging to use, or instead
make those decisions on a subsystem-by-subsystem basis. For example, you can
configure the primary GSSM to log all error-level messages, but also configure
the node manager (nodemgr) to log a larger set of all notice-level messages.
Set specific parameters for the GSS system log file by using the
command. To disable logging functions, use the
form of this command.
The default logging settings are as follows:
Logging to disk: Enabled
Priority of message for disk: 5
Priority of message for host: 4
Log filename: /home/gss.log
Log file recycle size: 10 MB
Maximum number of log files: 25
In rare instances when a GSS runs out of user disk space, the device will stop
logging messages to all log files. Logging does not automatically resume after you
free up disk space on the GSS. This behavior may occur when you use FTP to
transfer a significant number of files to the GSS, thus completely filling the
available GSS disk space. Correct this problem by using
command to replace the log files and resume logging (see the
“Rotating Existing
Log Files from the CLI”
This section contains the following topics:
Specifying a Log File on the GSS Disk
Specifying a Host for a Log File Destination
Specifying a Syslog Facility