Parts Exchange procedure
If the remote 101230 has to be changed, it has to be
changed with the 101140, which is the same remote but
in a final packaging ready to be shipped.
If a module 984364 has to be changed, it has to be
changed with a 101141, which is the same module but in
a final packaging ready to be shipped.
If a tablet 683180 has to be changed, it has to be
changed with a 101143, which is the same tablet but in a
final packaging ready to be shipped.
If a complete docking station 683164 has to be changed,
it has to be changed with a 101142, which is the same
docking but in a final packaging ready to be shipped.
If a docking station without tablet has to be changed, it
has to be changed with a 101144, which is the docking
without tablet in a final packaging ready to be shipped.
With any exchange of a remote or a module, a new
pairing of the modules will have to be done by the
customer. The pairing will automatically be done when
plugging the remote and the module on the docking.