Wireless modules
In addition to a remote control and a docking station, the Chattanooga® Revolution Wireless device is provided with
wireless modules. A stimulation module consists of two pods, each of them will be clipped to the electrodes to make a
connection to the user’s skin. The first pod contains the following parts:
Charging system
The second pod contains:
Stimulation electronic, incl. main processor.
User interface (button & LED)
Radio Frequency communication (RF) part
The RF part implements a proprietary communication protocol operating on the 2.4 [GHz] band. The network protocol
handles communication from and to the remote control, and support a time synchronization mechanism allowing several
stimulation modules to operate simultaneously without creating pulse overlap (patented technology).
Intended use
The Chattanooga Revolution Wireless is a clinical electrotherapy device intended for use under the supervision of a
Healthcare Professional.
Indications for Use:
As an NMES device, indications are for the following conditions:
- Retarding or preventing disuse atrophy
- Maintaining or increasing range of motion
- Re-educating muscles
- Relaxation of muscle spasms
- Increasing local blood circulation
- Prevention of venous thrombosis of the calf muscles immediately after surgery
As a TENS device, indications are for the following conditions:
- Symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable pain
- Post-surgical and post-trauma acute pain
As a pulsed-current device, indications are for the following conditions:
- Relaxation of muscle spasm
-Increasing local blood circulation
-Retardation or prevention of disuse atrophy
-Maintenance or increase of range of motion