CP3 version 3003
The entrance DPO consists of two sensors
sensor 1 and sensor 2. The DPO in the MZC is programmed so
that sensor 1 is first and sensor 2 is second. In this way, the system is able to determine the direction of the
car. If,
for some reason
sensor 2 is activated before sensor 1, the MZC will accept this as an exit, if sensor 1
is activated shortly after sensor 2 has been activated.
The below schema describes the different rules of counting to which the MZC will be exposed in various
circumstances. These examples illustrate
only the possibilities for the entrance, but the same rules apply
for the exit as well.
Schema of counting rules
The rule to the right, where all four sensors are pairwise activated, is only allowed if the sensors are
pairwise programmed in the configuration tool as entrance sensors and exit sensors respectively. If this is
the case, the system will count the cars correctly. See example below.