CP3 version 3003
Example of a simple wiring in a cabinet
The drawing below shows an example of a lane including power supplies and display interface.
In this example we have on
the top row three 2Amp
power supplies for the
SBP2CPY24 and the
SBP2WEB24 also on the top
row and the SBP2WEB24 on
row two. Additionally, we
have five SBP2MCG324s on
row two powered from five
5amp power supplies on
row two and three
respectively. Also, we have
fuses and an Ethernet
switch on row three and a
cabinet power switch on
row four.
The SBP2WEB24 on row
one is for light control and
HVAC equipment.
1 Top row
2 Second row
3 Third row
4 Fourth row