CP3 version 3003
Carpark Software
When the configuration is complete, we move to the carpark software part where we can import drawings,
make alarms, analyse trend curves, book and unbook carpark spaces etc. In this manual we will only show a
small part of all these functions while referring to the carpark software manual, which can be downloaded
Basic Setup
The screenshot below shows a carpark software before it has been configured. It is important that the
installer/programmer starts working with the carpark software in the right order to get the best result.
Always start from left to right on the toolbar.
‘User’. Settings for language settings, date/year, and so on.
This setup is a requirement for running the SBP2CPY24 with the correct date and time format
‘System Settings’. For selecting LAN, modem, clock and firmware.
This setup is a requirement for LAN or Modem settings together with the clock. Clock is needed for real-
time stamp and for internal use of the clock. Always check for latest firmware release.
‘Settings’. For selecting general park settings, such as account, status and category setup.
The first three menus must be completed because the settings have an impact on the future database in
the carpark software. The last two menus (
Group Settings
r) can be filled out later. They are
used for booking, sending data to emulated displays, etc.