CP3 version 3003
Mount the sensors directed at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground with a deviation of m/-5
degree vertically and m/- 2 degree horizontally.
When mounting the wires into the push wire connectors on the sensors, cut the insulation carefully to
avoid damage to the conductor.
Cut only 1 cm (.394 or 25/64 inches) of the inner insulation on the conductor, when using a solid core cable
pressed into the push wire connector. Same procedure with a stranded wire. Cut the sheath to strip the
cable and then install a ferrule at both ends. Press the wire ends into the push wire connector. Refer to
‘General Installation’
for a more specific description.
SBP2MCG324 Carpark Master Channel Generator
The Dupline® Master Channel Generator (CMCG) SBP2MCG324 is used in all lanes to supply carpark
sensors, LED indicators and display interface modules.
Make sure that cable lengths or number of loads (sensors) are not exceeded when the modules are
connected to the CMCG. This means a maximum of 50 sensors in a line and 150 m cable, or a maximum of
90 sensors in total.
Use a double-sized power supply because of the pulsating output on the CMCG.
SBP2WEB24 Carpark Controller
The SBP2WEB24 controller can control a maximum of seven CMCGs. It can be installed in a cabinet with the
CMCG or separately. Installations with one SBP2WEB24 can have 630 sensors maximum.
SBP2CPY24 Carpark Server
Large installations with more than 630 spaces (or more than one SBP2WEB24 and up to 10 pieces
maximum), require the SBP2CPY24. This module controls the Carpark software, in which the installer can
perform bookings, schedules, alarms, trend curves etc.
Use a 3-conductor 1.5 mm
(14-16AWG) unshielded single-core wire for the sensors OR
use a 3-conductor 1.5 mm
(14-16AWG) unshielded stranded wire with ferrules for the sensors.
Use a 2-conductor 1.0 mm
(14AWG) unshielded cable for power to the display interface module.
Use a 2-conductor 1.0 mm
(14AWG) unshielded cable for RS485 to the display interface module.
Place the cabinets according to plan.
Use large cabinets to take account of future installations and to avoid heat dissipation.